Почетна » Новости » Музика » ВИДЕО: Спотот за летниот хит „One Kiss“ на Дуа Липа и Келвин Харис

ВИДЕО: Спотот за летниот хит „One Kiss“ на Дуа Липа и Келвин Харис

Дуа Липа и Келвин Харис ги почестија своите фанови со колоритен спот за нивниот хит „One Kiss“.

Видеото со ретро вибрации е режирано од Емил Нава.

One kiss is all it takes
Fallin' in love with me
I look like all you need

Let me take the night, I love real easy
And I know that you'll still wanna see me
On the Sunday morning, music real loud
Let me love you while the moon is still out

Something in you lit up heaven in me
The feeling won't let me sleep
'Cause I'm lost in the way you move, the way you feel

One kiss is all it takes
Fallin' in love with me
I look like all you need
One kiss is all it takes
Fallin' in love with me
I look like all you need


I just wanna feel your skin on mine
Feel your eyes do the exploring
Passion in the message when you smile
Take my time

Something in you lit up heaven in me
The feeling won't let me sleep
'Cause I'm lost in the way you move, the way you feel

One kiss is all it takes
Fallin' in love with me
I look like all you need
One kiss is all it takes
Fallin' in love with me
I look like all you need


See a wonderland in your eyes
Might need your company tonight

Something in you lit up heaven in me
The feeling won't let me sleep
'Cause I'm lost in the way you move, the way you feel

One kiss is all it takes
Fallin' in love with me
I look like all you need
One kiss is all it takes
Fallin' in love with me
I look like all you need


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