Почетна » Новости » Животни стории » Огромна трансформација: Ослабела 84 кг по непријатно патување во Дизниленд

Огромна трансформација: Ослабела 84 кг по непријатно патување во Дизниленд

Прекумерната тежина не само што влијае негативно на здравјето на личноста, туку може да биде пречка за среќен и исполнет живот.

Леа Хоуп го сфатила тоа во март минатата година, за време на долгоочекувано патување во Дизниленд со внукот, сестрата и зетот. 34-годишната жена, која тогаш тежела 182 килограми била принудена да седи сама на маса поради жешкото време и неподносливата мигрена, наместо да ужива во прекрасни моменти со саканите.

Оттогаш досега, Леа намали 84 килограми со промени во начинот на живот, воведување на физичка активност и здрава исхрана.

Леа Хоуп
@leahhopehealth Sometimes I can’t believe this is real. I can’t believe I’m finally doing it. I’m finally working towards becoming the healthiest version of myself every day. I’m no longer pretending like physical health doesn’t matter as much as emotional, mental, spiritual and relational health. They are all connected, they all feed off of each other. Improving one can help them all just as much as ignoring one can hurt them all. Growth is hard. Change is hard. But so is staying stuck. And so is living unhealed. I’ve chosen my hard and it’s changed my life for the better in every way! #healthjourney #weightlossjourney #naturalweightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #weightlossinspiration ♬ HOPE - NF
@leahhopehealth When I say I started small… this is what I mean. A lot of my movement in the beginning was me marching in place like this. Why? Because I was embarrassed to walk in public. Because it was easier on my joints than actually walking. Because it was more accessible throughout the day. I spent most of my life making excuses, finding any way I could to get out of moving my body. Knowing that marching in place is always an option doesn’t give me a chance to make an excuse. I can do it indoors no matter the weather. I can do it while watching a TV show or checking social media. I can do it for just 5 minutes at a time, multiple times throughout the day. Do I think I look silly? Yes. I usually feel silly every time I march or jog in place too. But MOVEMENT IS MOVEMENT! Choosing to intentionally move in a way that honors your current body is always going to be a better option that not moving at all. Starting small doesn’t mean you’re doing the bare minimum, it means you’re prioritizing grace and compassion for yourself over guilt and punishment. It means you’re choosing sustainable results over fast ones. #healthjourney #weightlossjourney #weightlossprogress #weightlosstransformation #naturalweightloss ♬ it's been a year - Ashley Cooke

„Цел живот бев со прекумерна тежина, морбидно дебела и ми беше удобно во мојата неудобност практично затоа што тоа беше единственото нешто кое го знаев. Но, во изминатите неколку години, ми стануваше неудобно во моето тело.“

„Мојот внук ми е омилената личност на светот и тоа што му сум тетка отсекогаш ми била една од најголемите радости во животот. Тој е огромна причина што сакав да станам поздрава и подобра верзија од себеси.“

„Сфатив дека не можам повеќе да живеам на тој начин. Не сакав повеќе искуства како тоа. Не сакав да пропуштам доживувања со внукот. Сакав да можам да живеам исполнет живот“ – објаснила таа за пресвртниот момент.

Леа Хоуп Леа Хоуп

Полека, но сигурно, Хоуп започнала да ја намалува тежината, правејќи мали промени. Нејзина прва цел била да има барем еден хранлив оброк во денот. Исто така, започнала да создава рутина за вежбање, пешачејќи по 10 минути. Постепено, нејзините фитнес цели се зголемувале, а килограмите се намалувале.

„Започнав со многу мали промени за да не се обесхрабрам. Мојата крајна цел беше да го променам мојот живот засекогаш, а не само за една сезона.“

„Не очекував ова да биде емоционално и ментално патување, но беше. Многу повеќе напредував ментално и емоционално отколку физички. Најтешко беше да го променам мајндсетот кој го имав цел живот.“

„Цел живот се преправав дека мојата тежина не е важна. Никогаш не зборував за тоа, па беше тешко да одлучам да го правам она од што се криев цел живот и да го направам првото нешто што ќе го видат и слушнат луѓето“ – рекла Леа.

Леа Хоуп
@leahhopehealth I’m trying. I’m learning to be okay with people misunderstanding me. I’m coming to terms with letting people be wrong about me. I’m accepting that I’ll never be able to make everyone happy. More importantly than learning to let go of the people who are unsupportive, I’m learning to fully embrace the ones who are supportive. Because that’s what matters. If you are one of those people, thank you. Truly, I’m grateful to have you here. Even though I might not be able to speak with you individually I want you to know that I care about you, I’m rooting for you and I believe in you. #healthjourney #weightlossjourney #weightlossprogress #weightlosstransformation #weightlossinspiration ♬ original sound - Real Woman

Упорната жена сега го споделува своето фитнес патување на социјалните мрежи и се обидува да инспирира и други луѓе, покажувајќи им дека слабеењето без операција е возможно.

„Не станува збор за добивање помало тело, туку за добивање поголем живот.“

„Не сакам да бидам ‘пред и потоа’. Не ме интересира тоа. Сакам постојано да растам и да станувам подобра и поздрава верзија од себеси сè додека можам. Никогаш нема да бидам ‘потоа’, никогаш нема да запрам“ – вели Леа.

Леа Хоуп

Бидејќи многумина ја прашуваат дали има вишок на кожа поради слабеењето, Леа сними видео за да одговори.

@leahhopehealth It’s a common fear for so many who have a significant amount of weight to lose… that you’ll have loose skin. Every body is different. Age, genetics, amount of weight lost and many other things all play a factor. With the amount of weight I’ve lost, it’s my understanding the loose skin is inevitable. I wish it wasn’t there. I don’t like it. It’s annoying. I’m insecure about it. But, I’ll take it. I’d choose the loose skin over the extra weight every time. Because I’m chasing health. I’m chasing new opportunities. I’m chasing a fuller life. I’m chasing joy. I’m chasing connection. I’m chasing adventure. I’m chasing physical ability. I’m chasing strength and mobility. I’m chasing more energy and endurance. And the loose skin doesn’t keep me from any of those things! Someday when I reach a healthy-for-me weight that I want to maintain, I would love to get it removed. But for now, it will be a reminder of where I’ve come from and of all the hard work I’ve put in to get where I am now. ☺️ #healthjourney #weightlossjourney #naturalweightloss #looseskin #weightlossinspiration ♬ original sound - Leah Hope
@leahhopehealth I recorded this a little over 2 years ago. I thought I might share it in my stories on my photography page where I regularly posted and started sharing reels. I never shared it because I was too embarrassed. Aside from me using small clips of me crying in these videos in some of my recent posts showing my journey, this is the first time I’m sharing the details of it. I can’t watch this and not cry. That girl was hurting and settling in so many ways but unwilling to admit it. I have seen such growth in me since then. And I don’t mean the weight loss. Two years ago I received ONE rude comment from someone making fun of my weight and it broke me. It made me scared to keep posting reels (but I continued anyway) and it made me get an upset stomach every time I received a new comment because I was worried it was going to be someone making fun of my size. Now here I am, two years later, having experienced hundreds of mean, thoughtless, and cruel comments. And none of them made me cry. I may have dwelled on some of them longer than I should have. I’m not completely unaffected by them, but I’m not changed by them. I don’t hide because of them. I don’t question my worth because of them. I once heard someone say, “If you struggle to talk about it, I question your freedom from it.” And that stuck with me. Because I knew that’s why I never wanted to talk about or acknowledge my weight. I was a prisoner in my own body, I wasn’t free from it. But now I am free! That doesn’t mean I don’t have extra weight or don’t still need to work on getting healthier, I do! It means I know I’m taking care of myself. I know I’m treating my body, along with my heart and mind, well. I know I’m making an effort to become a better version of myself in every way. It doesn’t matter that I’m not my healthiest self yet, it matters that I’m trying and I’m healthier than before. It matters that I’m self-reflecting, being honest with myself, and making changes that will make my life more purpose-filled. Knowing that I’m giving that effort makes me more confident and able to shake off mean comments from unhappy people. But also, let’s be kind to one another. #healthjourney #weightlossjourney #meancomments #bekindtooneanother ♬ original sound - Leah Hope


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