Емотивно обединување на двајца браќа на свадба растопува срца на социјалните мрежи.
Во видеото е снимен моментот кога младоженецот требало за првпат да ја види својата сакана во венчаница. Но, наместо да се случи тоа, му претстоело големо изненадување – зад него стоел брат му, кој е војник и не се очекувало да биде дома за свадбата.
This groom was expecting to see the bride in her wedding gown for the 1st time. Instead, it was his brother who flew in as a surprise. His brother is the groom's only sibling and he's been deployed in the military and wasn't expected to be able to attend.pic.twitter.com/eci4bNYCO4
— GoodNewsCorrespondent (@GoodNewsCorres1) October 3, 2023
@coachryno Groom expected to turn and see his bride, but he is surprised by his brother who has been overseas. #military #militaryhomecoming #homecoming #reunion #cominghome #surprise #fyp #foryoupage #positivity #crying #positiveenergy ♬ where is my mind (piano version) - your movie soundtrack