Ејми Вилијамс е мајка на шест деца која не дозволува изговорите и препреките да ја спречат да си ги исполни своите желби и цели.
39-годишната жена комплетно си го трансформираше телото и сега е фитнес инструкторка, која инспирира споделувајќи ја својата приказна на Instagram.


Вилијамс тежела 80 килограми по раѓањето на последното дете и не била воопшто задоволна со својот изглед. Еден ден, таа решила да ја вложи сета енергија и да најде време за себе, без да бара изговори и да се запоставува.
Ејми започнала со здрава храна и редовни тренинзи во фитнес сала, а година за година само го подобрувала својот изглед. Денес, таа вели дека е комплетно среќна со своето тело и начинот на живот.


Се разбудив еден ден и престанав да барам изговори:
Родив деца, стара сум, немам време, уморна сум, претешко е, не знам како, не можам... Сите имаме препреки (читај изговори) кои треба да ги срушиме за да ги постигнеме нашите цели.
Родив шест деца, не спиев доволно, имав зафатен семеен живот, работев неколку работи, бев во 30-тите години од животот, децата имаа здравствени проблеми и хоспитализации, имав лични здравствени проблеми, Грег имаше дијабетес и рак, операции и повреди, луди распореди и семејни обврски... Не знаев од каде и како да почнам, но тоа е животот.
Ве предизвикувам да се соочите со најголемата препрека и да научите како да ја совладате. Ќе се изненадите од тоа што всушност можете да го направите кога ќе се ослободите од менталните блокади.



И сопругот на Ејми, Грег, тренира и е во одлична физичка форма. Тие се во брак 20 години.
@absbyamy I decided to take control of my life and my health. have been dealt the cards of being a Type 1 diabetic (diagnosed when I was 24) and having testicular cancer (diagnosed in 2021, at 37) but I didn’t want to let the odds of high blood pressure, obesity, anxiety and heart disease (which are prevalent in my family) get the better of me. You may not have control over your GENETICS, but you have FULL control of your LIFESTYLE CHOICES. enetics may be the gun, but the choices you make regarding your health, your diet and fitness… those are the trigger. Take responsibility and stop blaming. You have more control than you think. - Greg . . . . . . #fitdad #motivation #takecontrolofyourlife #mondaymotivation #takeresponsibility #fitcouple #fitnessjourney #weightloss #t1d #diabetes #weightlifting #liftheavy #couplegoals #fitcouple #sixkids #absbyamy ♬ original sound - absbyamy
@absbyamy It’s not easy but IT CAN BE DONE! Now don’t get me wrong, you’re not going to get your 20 year old, pre-baby body back…. but you CAN build beautiful muscle and get in the best shape of your life, even after having babies! I have NOT had a tummy tuck, and YES, I have all the stretch marks, wrinkly skin and battle scars of six pregnancies and that’s ok! I’m in the best shape of my life, 39 years old and six babies later because I believed I could, and I didn’t give up. The process of transforming my body was PAINFULLY SLOW and incredibly discouraging at times because I felt like I was “doing everything” and just not seeing any results. It took me 7 months of consistency to budge the scale and see ANY physical change, and it wasn’t until 1 YEAR in that I started seeing significant results. I’m currently 6 years in, and feel the strongest and best I’ve ever felt! What I’ve learned and developed from weightlifting, has honestly improved every aspect of my life (more detail on my journey can be found in my instagram story highlights). Give yourself TIME and don’t give up. YOU CAN. . . . . . #transformation #fitnesstransformation #fitafterbabies #absafterbabies #sixkids #fitmom #noexcuses #weightlifting #liftheavy #absbyamy ♬ original sound - absbyamy
@absbyamy There is a lot more to someone’s success than what you see on the surface. I can guarantee the frustrations you’re feeling in your journey, I’ve personally felt myself. The fatigue, anger, doubts, loneliness, lack of support, feeling like you’re not making any progress, self consciousness, insecurity, guilt and pure exhaustion have all been my companions at some point in my journey. In experiencing all of those things, I learned and developed discipline, grit, patience, gratitude, sacrifice, perseverance and grace. It’s easy to stay on track when life is going smoothly, but the real test begins when life starts life-ing and things get hard. I would not trade the hard times because they taught me the most. That is when the most growth happens. No successful person ever had it easy, and you won’t either. Just because you can’t see their hardships, doesn’t mean they didn’t have them. You CAN do this, and you WILL be successful. You just need to be willing to accept the WORK it will take and that it WILL be hard. You’ve got this. . . . . . . #hardwork #discipline #success #difficult #hardworkpaysoff #fitnessjourney #weightloss #fitnesstransformation #goals #weightlifting #liftheavy #absbyamy ♬ Way down We Go - KALEO